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Bravin Consultants,LLC
Crisis Counseling and Consultations
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Kash Brown on December 27, 2022 at 10:59 AM said:

My guy Keith K. L. Belvin can help many dudes with trouble.
I even reached out to KL about a couple of things. He led me down a good path I had been locked in on for a while.
Trust me. Smiles and jokes hide a lot of anger and pain.
Stay up, Black Kings
Jamie Curtis on December 3, 2022 at 1:07 PM said:

Keith is a great talented caring and helpful therapist. He breaks things down to you and he asks if you’re in need of clarification with anything else. He uses his pain, his past mistakes, his past deeds and uses to help you be smarter and to make better decisions. He’s a great therapist
AS (name withheld to protect identity) on November 9, 2022 at 9:41 PM said:

Very structured counseling style and agenda always based ties to biblical principles based on discernment.

Enjoyed sessions with Keith. I like that his session is not dumping sessions. He brings real experiences to the table, so it makes him more relatable.
IS (name withheld to protect identity) on November 9, 2022 at 9:39 PM said:

Keith strikes an amazing balance between professional courtesy and honest transparency. In every session, you get to experience who Keith is, and I personally feel that the charisma and energy of him simply being himself that allows people like me to connect so easily with him.

Keith does a great job providing counseling and care. He never removes the personal responsibility and role that I must take in finding healing, and he then helps me find & prioritize which step I ought to take next. He regularly discusses with and challenges me about why I haven't been able to find success in the areas I'm looking to improve in, but without giving condemnation. I think Keith's counseling style is very adaptive and flexible... as there have been weeks where he does more of the talking and I listen, and vice-versa. He always emphasizes the practical steps we can take, as well as the spiritual reality we live in.
JM (name hidden to protect identity) on November 9, 2022 at 9:37 PM said:

Mr. Belvin is extremely professional. He listens respectfully when I’m speaking. I get his full attention. Our sessions are always punctual. He always has a positive attitude when speaking with me.

Mr. Belvin allows me to take my time in expressing my feelings in a nonjudgmental environment. He shares some experiences of his own that are relevant to my circumstances. He helps me see different ways of thinking and handling situations.

Mr. Belvins knowledge of counseling is not only includes the education he received but his life experience as well. Being from the NY area and close in age proximity, he can relate to my experiences growing up. He also worked in the NYC schools adding to his knowledge on so many levels, children's views, parents' view, coworkers views. These are things you can’t just learn in a classroom or just reading books, this is lived experiences that he can bring to our counseling sessions. I truly appreciate it.
queenivy0882 on August 7, 2022 at 7:50 PM said:

When I catch Keith on TikTok, I know I’m about to be blessed. I have crowned him “my fairy godfather” (no pun intended reference to his book. I caught his live a few days ago, and I come ready to hear a word. For some reason, he always picks on me. I digress! Every single time we speak, it hits my soul. This man speaks life into me. He stepping on my toes and doesn’t give a damn! I follow him because he is also my counselor. I chose him for his realness and ability to meet me where I was. Thank you, Sir, for being you. I appreciate your wife for keeping you grounded and prayed up. Cause I know your head is about to blow up. This man is everything he says he is and more. I hope to work with him on a business level at some point.
D.J. on July 28, 2022 at 7:00 AM said:

Mr. Belvin was very straightforward with me, gave me clear directives that I needed, and was very affirming. I appreciate how he brought scripture into our discussion from a Godly perspective.
Sunshine No Rain on July 28, 2022 at 6:59 AM said:

My thoughts on my discussion with Mr. Belvin.

The atmosphere was calming and relaxing. He analyzed me very well and offered up great food for thought
Bill Adams on July 13, 2022 at 10:12 AM said:

Mr. Keith is a great life coach. He is knowledgeable on just about every issue you could bring to him. He has helped guide me both personally and spiritually. I look forward to my sessions with him.
Queen Ivy on July 2, 2022 at 1:14 PM said:

Mr. Belvin made me feel comfortable from the beginning of the call. He spoke to me as family. Strong but compassionate. I've had several counselors and is EXACTLY the one I was looking for.
XXXXXXXXXXXXX Digital Media Liaison on June 15, 2022 at 9:02 AM said:

My name is XXXXXXXXXXXXX(blocked for professional reasons)
I work in the Digital Media Division of ATF Public Affairs. I really enjoyed the "Triggers" Workshop hosted by Keith Belvin a few weeks ago for ATF employees and the extraordinary services that he provides to employees.

This is the first time in my federal career that such as helpful seminar was provided and it was timely. Also, the counseling services are a great resource for all employees. I hope you keep this program moving forward.

Best regards,

XXXXXXXXXXXXX(blocked for professional reasons)

Digital Media and Strategic Communications Liaison
Web Media Branch
Digital Media Division
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Michelle Green on May 11, 2022 at 9:42 PM said:

The guidance Mr. Belvin provided was insightful and necessary to begin my journey.
Doris Sommers on May 11, 2022 at 9:41 PM said:

Mr. Belvin was very straightforward with me, gave me the directives that I needed, and was very affirming. I appreciated that he brought scripture into our discussion to maintain a Godly perspective.
Nicholaola on April 28, 2022 at 3:31 PM said:

I recently watched a video on accountability…initially I felt my relationship would not be able to withstand being held up to the light. I wasn’t able to fully understand what my man was dealing with and therefore wasn’t able to support him fully as his partner…until I saw this latest video on TikTok. It helped me to see his perspective. So much so that I went back to him and tried a new communication tactic….and it WORKED!!! It wasn’t hard and it didn’t take anything fancy…just true honest love and communication and understanding of both of our needs…I can happily say that as a result of his advice we are now ACTIVELY working together. I believe we are stronger too. Thanku sir for the work u do!!
whats_the_value_podcast on March 8, 2022 at 10:22 AM said:

Keith (@keithklbelvin) is a certified Crisis Specialist, marriage counselor, award-winning author, and educator who helps address emotional problems. This conversation was packed with so many interesting insights, philosophical debates, and reflections on human nature, that it is hard to sum them all up. Keith is someone who clearly has spent a lot of time trying to understand people and the world we live in. Interestingly, his earlier life was spent in a much more selfish way. He was a misogynist and womanizer, whose main goal was to make himself happy. But thanks to hard work, his value of "transparency", and good foundations set by his mother and grandmother, he radically transformed his life.

Some of the intriguing concepts that came up were centered around Keith's view that there is a battle between good and evil in the world; and those on the "good" side have a responsibility to step up and make the world a better place. I tend to believe people are all generally good but our minds lead us astray to do bad things, so Keith and I explored that concept to try and understand why some people would "choose" to do harm. We also tried to understand how you would know if you were on the "good" side.

Towards the end of the discussion, Keith made a really interesting point about outcomes. There are so many factors at play and the world is so complex that it can feel overwhelming. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in it all and lose your purpose. Keith's point was that you should focus on the outcomes as your guide to tell you if you are being honest with yourself and on the right track. I found this really interesting. If you apply it to our politicians, as an example, many of them feel like they are doing the good work to help the country. Yet we sit here today, seemingly as divided and contentious as ever. If they look at the outcome, of where the country actually is, they would be really hard-pressed to convince themselves that they don't need to be better (rather than just pointing the finger at the other side). A big thanks to Keith for sharing his perspective and knowledge.


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